How do you spell Depictive?


What does exampled mean? 1 : something to be imitated : model Try to set a good example. 2 : a sample of something taken to show what the whole is like : instance. 3 : a problem to be solved to show how a rule works an example in arithmetic. 4 : something that is a warning to others Let his punishment be an example to you.

Likewise What is the synonym of descriptive?

illustrative, expressive, pictorial, depictive, graphic, picturesque, vivid, striking. explanatory, elucidatory, explicative, exegetic, expository. detailed, lively, circumstantial.

What is character depiction? a word picture of a person’s appearance and character. type of: description, verbal description.

What does the word duplicative mean?

adjective. involving duplication, especially unnecessary repetition of effort or resources: The report will highlight examples of wasteful or duplicative spending.

Is it duplicate or duplicative? As adjectives the difference between duplicate and duplicative. is that duplicate is being the same as another; identical this may exclude the first identical item in a series, but usage is inconsistent while duplicative is of, related to, or being a duplicate.

What is duplicitous speech?

Full Definition of duplicity

1 : contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action the simplicity and openness of their lives brought out for him the duplicity that lay at the bottom of ours— Mary Austin especially : the belying of one’s true intentions by deceptive words or action.

What’s another word for duplicative? What is another word for duplicative?

repetitious repetitive
reiterative monotonous
repeated iterative
unvaried unvarying
unchanging undiversified

How do you use duplicate?

Duplicate sentence example

  1. Can you duplicate whatever this is? …
  2. It is of evergreen habit, and requires a warm position on the rockwork and well-drained sandy soil; or a duplicate should be sheltered during winter in a cold, dry frame. …
  3. I’m not sure he could exactly duplicate the test room.

Is Duplicativeness a word? Of, related to, or being a duplicate.

How do you use duplicative?

Doctors order duplicative or unnecessary tests. Whether because of national pride, incompatible priorities or the desire to prop up domestic industries, European defence spending is fragmented and duplicative. Many of these proposals are often duplicative and tied to a news event.

What is the meaning of deceitfulness? Definition of deceitful

: having a tendency or disposition to deceive or give false impressions: a : not honest a deceitful child left her deceitful husband. b : deceptive, misleading deceitful advertising.

What is a duplicitous man?

Duplicitous is used to describe someone who intentionally misleads people, especially by saying different things to different people or acting in different ways at different times. The word can also describe the actions of such a person. A close synonym is deceitful.

What is disingenuous person? Someone who is disingenuous is slightly dishonest and insincere in what they say. [formal] It would be disingenuous to claim that this is great art. Synonyms: dishonest, cunning, sly, designing More Synonyms of disingenuous.

What is it called when you duplicate a person?

imitation Add to list Share. Imitation means copying the words, facial expressions, or actions of another person.

What does non duplicative mean? That which is not a duplicate. noun.

What is an example of duplicate?

The definition of duplicate is having double. Two identical baseball cards in a stack are an example of a duplicate. To duplicate is defined as to make a copy. Making multiple copies of one form on a machine is an example of duplicate.

Is Duplicatable a real word? Capable of being duplicated.

Is duplicate copy redundant?

Duplicate signifies that the copy is exact (not redacted). In this case duplicate copy is not redundant; it is a qualifier. Could be stated otherwise: Please sign and return the duplicate edition of the enclosed document. Unless you regard the envelope as containing two copies of the information.

Is duplicate in Python? Compare the size of set and list. If size of list & set is equal then it means no duplicates in list. If size of list & set are different then it means yes, there are duplicates in list.

Is redundancy a duplicate?

A duplicate can also be a copy of something else, such as carbon duplicate copies of a personnel file. Redundancy is when something is repeated, usually in very close succession, unnecessarily. It often occurs in writing. “Don’t give me no backtalk,” is both redundant and a double negative.

What does deceit mean in the Bible? 1 : the act or practice of making someone believe something that is not true : deception The villain used deceit to further his evil plan. 2 : a statement or act that is meant to fool or trick someone We saw through her deceit.

What is the definition of a divinities?

1 : the quality or state of being God or a god. 2 : a god or goddess the divinities of ancient Greece. 3 : the study of religion.

What is the meaning of whereabout? also whereabout. Definition of whereabouts (Entry 2 of 3) : the place or general locality where a person or thing is their present whereabouts are a secret.

Is there such a word as Duplicitousness?

noun. The quality of being duplicitous; deceitfulness.

What is the meaning of ductility?

: the quality or state of being ductile especially : the ability of a material to have its shape changed (as by being drawn out into wire or thread) without losing strength or breaking When certain alloys are added to metal, hardness and strength can be improved without decreasing the ductility. —

What is duplicitous Behaviour? The definition of duplicitous is being sneaky or deceitful. An example of a duplicitous person is someone who always lies to get her way. adjective. Given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech.

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