How do you say the word consolation?

What does no consolation mean? n. 1 the act of consoling or state of being consoled; solace. 2 a person or thing that is a source of comfort in a time of suffering, grief, disappointment, etc.

Likewise What is consolation in the Bible?

In verses 3-7, Paul uses forms of the word “consolation” 10 times! He explains that this God of all consolation is the God who has known suffering from the inside in Jesus, and who thus provides comfort for all who are afflicted and empowers them to console others.

Is consolation a verb or noun? noun. 1The comfort received by a person after a loss or disappointment.

What is mean by consolation in Tamil?

English to Tamil Meaning :: consolation. Consolation : ஆறுதல்

What words make people feel better? Synonyms

  • soothe. verb. to make someone more calm and more relaxed when they are feeling nervous, worried, or upset.
  • comfort. verb. to make someone feel less sad, worried, or disappointed.
  • reassure. verb. …
  • allay. verb. …
  • put/set someone’s mind at ease/at rest. phrase. …
  • put someone at (their) ease. phrase. …
  • console. verb. …
  • defuse. verb.

What part of speech is consolation?


part of speech: noun
definition 1: an act or instance of consoling. Feeling rejected, he went to his friend for consolation. synonyms: solace similar words: comfort, commiseration, compassion, encouragement, sustenance, sympathy

What does spiritual consolation mean? In general, consolation is the delight or satisfaction experienced when distress or suffering is alleviated or positive support and encouragement are given. In this sense spiritual consolations are the counterpart of spiritual desolations. …

What is consolation of Israel?

The passage from the Christmas story simply says that Simeon was waiting for the consolation of Israel. The Greek word translated “consolation” is paraklesis, and can also be translated “comfort” or “exhort.” A more literal translation means “calling to one’s side” (para = beside, kaleo = to call).

Where in the Bible does it talk about comfort? 2 Corinthians 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

What is the noun of consolation?

noun. the act of consoling; comfort; solace. the state of being consoled. someone or something that consoles: His faith was a consolation during his troubles.

What is the root of consolation? 1400, “act of consoling, alleviation of misery or distress of mind, mitigation of grief or anxiety,” from Old French consolacion “solace, comfort; delight, pleasure” (11c., Modern French consolation), from Latin consolationem (nominative consolatio) “a consoling, comfort,” noun of action from past-participle stem of …

What does Consolded mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to join together into one whole : unite consolidate several small school districts. 2 : to make firm or secure : strengthen consolidate their hold on first place He consolidated his position as head of the political party.

What is the synonym of confined? Some common synonyms of confine are circumscribe, limit, and restrict. While all these words mean “to set bounds for,” confine suggests severe restraint and a resulting cramping, fettering, or hampering. our choices were confined by finances.

What is the synonym and antonym of delight?

charmed, enthralled, captivated, beguiled, entranced. Antonyms: disenchanted, displeased.

What do you call a person who calms you? A person who is even-tempered has a calm personality and doesn’t get upset, angry, or excited very easily or very often. Even-tempered is an approving word. … Placid can also be used to describe a characteristic of a calm person.

How do you make someone smile in one word?

How to Make Someone Smile with Words

  1. 1 Compliment them geniunely.
  2. 2 Crack a few jokes to make them laugh.
  3. 3 Give some words of encouragement.
  4. 4 Express your gratitude.
  5. 5 Offer words of support.
  6. 6 Share that you thought about them recently.
  7. 7 Ask them if they need anything.
  8. 8 Say that you miss them if they live far away.

How do you make someone happy in one word? Synonyms

  1. please. verb. to make someone feel happy and satisfied.
  2. excite. verb. to make someone feel happy and enthusiastic about something good that is going to happen.
  3. hearten. verb. …
  4. uplift. verb. …
  5. fulfil. verb. …
  6. bring a smile to your face/lips. phrase. …
  7. make someone’s day. phrase. …
  8. do someone’s heart good. phrase.

What does consolation mean in sports?

Sports. a game, match, or race for tournament entrants eliminated before the final round, as a basketball game between the losing semifinalists.

What is the best synonym for consolation? consolation

  • comfort.
  • compassion.
  • encouragement.
  • pity.
  • solace.
  • succor.
  • sympathy.
  • alleviation.

Why does God allow desolation?

In God’s providence, this is one of the overarching reasons for allowing us to undergo the trial of desolation: that in resisting, we get better at resisting, and thereby break the devil’s ability to hold us down.

What does consolation and desolation mean? Commentator Margaret Silf explains that the two words help us judge which direction our life is taking us in —toward hope, to the light [consolation] or away from hope or light [desolation]? Both these experiences are common to us but have very different results.

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