What does avoider mean?


avoiders. Frequency: The person who carries anything away, or the vessel in which things are carried away. noun. One who avoids, shuns, or escapes.

What does it mean to dodge someone? : to move quickly to one side in order to avoid being hit by (someone or something) : to move quickly in order to avoid being hit, seen, stopped, etc. : to get away from or avoid (someone or something) in a skillful or dishonest way.

Likewise Is avoider a word?

Yes, avoider is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is an accommodator? noun. a person or thing that accommodates. a domestic worker employed on a part-time basis or when needed.

What is the meaning of compromiser?

Definitions of compromiser. a negotiator willing to compromise. “Henry Clay was known as the Great Compromiser” type of: negotiant, negotiator, treater. someone who negotiates (confers with others in order to reach a settlement)

What is Dodge in slang? noun. a quick, evasive movement, as a sudden jump away to avoid a blow or the like. an ingenious expedient or contrivance; shifty trick. Slang.

How do you speak dodging?

What does dodging mean in text? 1. To avoid (a blow, for example) by moving or shifting quickly aside. 2. To evade (an obligation, for example) by cunning, trickery, or deceit: kept dodging the reporter’s questions. 3.

What is the Assimilator?

Definitions of assimilator. someone (especially a child) who learns (as from a teacher) or takes up knowledge or beliefs. synonyms: learner, scholar.

What is a 1031 accommodator? A Qualified Intermediary, also known as a 1031 exchange accommodator, is an independent person, company, or entity that enters into a written agreement with the exchanger to facilitate the transfer of proceeds.

What is an accommodator personality?

Accommodator: Accommodators are more inclined to be less assertive and highly cooperative. They prefer to avoid conflict and want to be liked by others. … When an individual uses this strategy, they tend to give up personal goals to avoid conflict.

What is compromise in relationship? Compromise is commonly understood as giving up something in order to reach a place of understanding with your partner. No two people are the same. At some point in your relationship you and your partner will have a different approach, opinion or wish. … This is the down side of compromise.

What is an example of compromise?

When two people make a compromise, they essentially agree to meet in the middle. For example, Ann and David agree to go on a date. Ann wants to see a movie, but David would rather go to the beach. In the end, they agree to go out to dinner instead.

Is compromise a good thing? A compromise is never as good as a consensus, but it is generally better than nothing, and often achievable when a consensus is not. And when it is, trying to make it as good as possible in each of the three ways described is always worthwhile.

What does dodging a bullet mean?

phrase. informal. Manage to avoid a difficult or unwelcome situation. ‘the US economy dodged a bullet today’ ‘His 2003 Tour victory was almost a loss – in his own words, he “dodged a bullet.”‘

What does fudge the truth mean? To fudge means to manipulate or conceal the truth. When you create fake financial information to hide your losses, this is an example of a situation where you fudge the numbers.

What does dodging mean in Valorant?

Dodging a match is the act of leaving the match without playing a single round. Valorant match dodging is a major issue as even if 1 player dodges, it would mean a return to the match-finding screen for everyone.

How do you read a dodging?

What is the silent letter in Dodge?

When is ‘d’ silent? When ‘d’ is before ‘ge’ at the end of a word, it is generally silent; e.g. bridge and dodge.

How do you read a Peugeot?

What is the synonym of Dodge?

elude, evade, avoid, stay away from, steer clear of, escape, run away from, break away from, lose, leave behind, shake, shake off, fend off, keep at arm’s length, give someone a wide berth, keep one’s distance from. deceive, trick, cheat. North American end-run. informal ditch, give someone the slip.

What is dodging in PE? Dodging involves quick, deceptive changes in direction to evade, chase or flee from an opponent. When dodging, knees are bent and the body shifts rapidly in a sideways direction. … This is achieved by bending the knees for better balance. Dodging occurs as the body shifts rapidly to one side.

Is dodging a sentence?

Dodging sentence example. The boy ran through the crowded marketplace, dodging merchants’ carts and weaving through the patrons. Dodging a caprine avalanche, she joined Alex again. The rest required some good left and right dodging moves.

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