What is another name for a loud speaker?


squawker, tweeter, tannoy, bullhorn, loud hailer, intercom speaker, subwoofer, squawk box, woofer, loud-hailer.

Simply so What is another word for public speaker? What is another word for public speaker?

speaker lecturer
orator spokesperson
mouthpiece spokesman
rhetorician talker
declaimer expounder

What is another word for stereo? What is another word for stereo?

gramophone phonograph
hifi record player
hi-fi victrola
turntable sound system
stereo set audio sound system

also What is another word for amplifier? What is another word for amplifier?

amp loudspeaker
speaker amplifying device
PA mike
megaphone public-address system
mic bullhorn

What is the meaning of stereo sound?

stereo Add to list Share. A sound system with speakers that makes music seem to come from several directions at once—almost like it’s all around you—is called a stereo. … The kind of sound that’s layered and three-dimensional is stereo sound, and the machine you use to play this type of recording is also called a stereo.

What is an antonym for stereo? stereonoun. Of sound, music, etc, recorded in stereo. Antonyms: mono, monophonic.

What does English stereo mean?

Stereo is used to describe a sound system in which the sound is played through two speakers.

What’s another word for amped up? What is another word for amped-up?

amped fired up
enthusiastic excited
exhilarated exuberant
fervent delighted
stimulated thrilled

What is amplifier and its type?

An amplifier is an electronic device that increases the voltage, current, or power of a signal. Amplifiers are used in wireless communications and broadcasting, and in audio equipment of all kinds. They can be categorized as either weak-signal amplifiers or power amplifiers.

What is the opposite of amplifier? Downtoners are the opposite of amplifiers.

Is stereo a speaker?

Stereo speakers are two speakers built into a single device. They are usually positioned on the left and right side of the device and each speaker uses the respective channel of stereo sound, thus producing a stereo effect.

What is mono channel speaker? Mono or monoaural sound only uses one channel when converting a signal into a sound. Even if there are multiple speakers, the same signal will go to both speakers. This then gives the effect that the sounds, even if they are coming from separate speakers, are coming from one single position or source.

What is the meaning of Dolby sound?

Dolby Digital, formerly known as AC-3, is a digital audio coding technique that reduces the amount of data needed to produce high quality sound. … A low frequency effect (LFE) channel is included that provides the sound needed for special effects and action sequences in movies.

What is a synonym for charcoal?

In this page you can discover 20 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for charcoal, like: oxford-grey, oxford gray, briquette, charcoal-grey, field gray, charcoal-gray, fusain, soot, wood coal, blacking and calcine.

What is a stereo speaker? Stereo speakers are two speakers built into a single device. They are usually positioned on the left and right side of the device and each speaker uses the respective channel of stereo sound, thus producing a stereo effect.

Why is stereo called stereo? The word “stereophonic” comes from Greek stereos = “solid” and phōnē = “sound”. It was coined by Western Electric. In popular usage, stereo usually means two-channel sound recording and sound reproduction using data from two speakers. The electronic device for playing back stereo sound is often called “a stereo”.

What does stereo mean in Latin?

stereo- a combining form borrowed from Greek, where it meant “solid”, used with reference to hardness, solidity, three-dimensionality in the formation of compound words: stereochemistry; stereogram; stereoscope.

What does amp up mean? verb (tr, adverb) informal. to increase. to increase the power or force of (something) to excite, arouse, or work up (a person, emotions, etc)

Is it amping up or ramping up?

Amp up” means “increase the amplification”. It is only used about sounds that are amplified. “Ramp” (noun) is a slope.

What is the opposite of amped? Opposite of full of fervor. casual. nonchalant. spiritless. uneager.

What is an amplifier for speakers?

An amplifier is the device that turns the low voltage signals from your source equipment into a signal with enough gain to be used to power a pair of speakers. The functions of an amp can be split into two main sections.

What are the 3 types of amplifiers? Classification of the amplifier can be done in 3 different ways.

  • Voltage amplifiers.
  • Current amplifiers.
  • Power amplifiers.

What is H class amplifier?

Class-H amplifiers create an infinitely variable (analog) supply rail. They are sometimes referred to as rail trackers. This is done by modulating the supply rails so that the rails are only a few volts larger than the output signal “tracking” it at any given time.

What is a synonym for Omega? Synonyms & Near Synonyms for omega. close, conclusion, end, ending.

What is attenuator circuit?

An attenuator is an electronic device that reduces the power of a signal without appreciably distorting its waveform. An attenuator is effectively the opposite of an amplifier, though the two work by different methods. While an amplifier provides gain, an attenuator provides loss, or gain less than 1.

What’s the opposite to dismantle?

Opposite of to take apart or break down. assemble. build. construct. produce.

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