What is a Finta?


British English: pretence NOUN /pru026au02c8tu025bns/ A pretence is an action or way of behaving that is intended to make people believe something that is not true.

Simply so Is Finta a word? Finna, sometimes pronounced or spelled as finta or fitna, is a shortening of the expression fixing to, like gonna is a shortening of going to.

What do we call nAdAnI in English? /nu0101du0101nu012b/ nf. silliness uncountable noun. Let’s not have any more silliness. /nadani, nAdAnI, naadaanee, nu0101du0101nu012b/

also What do we call Benga in English? benga in British English

(u02c8bu025bu014bu0261u0259) a Kenyan popular music featuring guitars. Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers.

What does Finna mean urban?

“Finna” is an abbreviation for the phrase “fixing to.” It is essentially used in place of the more common (and the more easily understandable) “gonna,” which is short for “going to.” If you’re finna do something, you’re going to or planning on doing it.

What is Finsta urban DIC? “Finsta” is a slang term for a “fake Insta” account. According to Urban Dictionary, a finsta is “a spam Instagram account where people post what they are too afraid to post on the real account.” These accounts are typically private and have a small number of followers compared to the person’s real Instagram.

What does ionic mean in text?

The most common meaning in text for the abbreviation ION is “I don’t” as in “I don’t know.” It’s used when someone is referring to something that they don’t know.

What does fixing mean in the South? Verb. fixing to. (Southern US, Appalachia and African-American Vernacular, informal) Going to; preparing to; about to. quotations ▼ It’s fixing to rain.

What does dragged mean?

To “drag” someone is to publicly humiliate them on some kind of social media platform. Although I see a lot of dragging happening on Tumblr, Instagram and Facebook, I most often see the word being used by Twitter users.

What is a Rinsta on Instagram? It is very common for teens to have two Instagram accounts or even three or four. Their main, public-facing one is referred to as their Rinsta (as in Real + Instagram). … Teens use their Finsta as a place to post pictures and videos meant only for their closest friends to see.

What is a Finstar?

The “finsta” is a second Instagram account many users will maintain, and its content is quite different from their real (“rinsta”) account. … A user’s real Instagram might have several thousand followers, but a “finsta” features a much smaller following, consisting mostly of friends and family.

What is Finista? Finsta is short for Finstagram, or “fake Instagram,” referring to an account made so that a user can post images and interact with other accounts in a more private way, usually reserving the account’s followers to close friends.

What does ION mean TikTok?

What does ion mean? ‘Ion’ is often used as a contraction of ‘I don’t,’ however, when used as the acronym ‘ION,’ it can also mean ‘In Other News. ‘ However, the former meaning is generally more common on social media platforms like Twitter and TikTok.

What does ION Snapchat mean?

Simply put, ion stands for ‘In Other News‘. It is an acronym that has come to be used quite universally. Ion’s use extends beyond the confines of Snapchat, and can even be found in text messages and DMs. Many emoji keyboards have stickers pertaining to ion.

Why do Southerners say fixin? If you pronounce the “g,” you’re doing it wrong. One reason we love “fixin’ to” is that it’s vague. It doesn’t have to mean “about to do something in the next 10 seconds.” Or even the next hour or next day. That gives the speaker a little time to prepare to do something.

What does I ain’t Studdin you mean? If you ain’t studdin’ someone, you’re not “studying” their hogwash. You’re not letting anyone’s claptrap worry you. … “If you can’t give me a pass on that, then I ain’t studdin’ ya.” It’s playful, heady stuff, and it captures Rush’s manner of speaking.

What states say fixin?

Southerners are never just getting ready to do something, they’re “fixin’ to” do it. “Fixin’ to” is a common phrase, especially in the South Atlantic and Gulf states, like Georgia and Florida.

Is Bummer a bad word? The definition of a bummer is slang for something undesirable, unpleasant or annoying, or is slang for a bad reaction to a drug, or is a lazy person who hangs around all day without a job or purpose. Getting detention and having to stay after school is an example of a bummer.

Is drag a bad word?

No. Drag has been used for comic effect for centuries.

What is dragging social media? You are dragged when many people come to your notifications to scold you over a post you made or your reply to someone’s post. The ripple effect on social media is huge; you say one thing, another person picks it up and, they just run with it.

Why do teens have so many Instagram followers?

It’s because teens do invest way more time than anybody else. They wake up with it, go to bed with it and sleep with it. Social media has become a lifestyle for them, and they would do a lot for it and since they invest so much time, a lot of people will get attracted by their work and slowly they get them.

How can I hide my Instagram? How to Make A Secret Instagram Account

  1. 1- Create A Private Instagram Account.
  2. 2- Change Your Personal Information.
  3. 3- Don’t Add Your Phone Number.
  4. 4- Create A New Email to Make a Secret Instagram Account.
  5. 5- Don’t Connect to Other Social Media Accounts.
  6. 6- Don’t Let Your Friends Find you.

What are Instagram accounts called?

Your username is how people recognize you on Instagram. When creating your account, you should be prompted to create a username. The name you choose follows the @ symbol and can include numbers, letters, periods and underscores.

How do you make a Finsta name? For the best Finsta, you want a realistic name so that you fit in. You could go with a random, like Firefly128242, but the account may look suspicious enough that others will think it’s a fake account. Instead, use a name generator to come up with a real name. If you’re a male, go with a female name.

What should I name Finsta?

The whole point of a finsta is to keep it private, so obviously the account itself should be on private. Another tip in order to keep people from finding it is to remove all personal info from it. Don’t put your name in the username, don’t link in to any websites that could be associated with you.

How do you make a Finsta?

Follow these simple steps to create a Finsta:

  1. Open your Instagram account, and click on your profile picture in the bottom right to open account details.
  2. Tap the three-line icon at the top right and tap Settings.
  3. Scroll down the Settings menu, and tap Add Account.
  4. From the pop-up menu, select Create New Account.
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