What do we call a person who insists on something?


Solution(By Examveda Team)

One word substitution is Stickler. Disciplinarian: a person who believes in or practises firm discipline. Stickler: a person who insists on a certain quality or type of behaviour. Instantaneous: occurring or done instantly. Boaster: a very boastful and talkative person.

Simply so What do you call someone who is a stickler for rules? If someone is a stickler for administrative rules and red tape, I would say that they are an authoritarian.

What is a insistent person? The definition of insistent is demanding or persistent. An example of an insistent person is someone who keeps giving support for a lie, no matter how many times he is questioned or proved wrong.

also What is it called when someone is forcing you to do something? To obligate is to either force someone to do something or be compelled to do something. You’re obligated to get to work on time if you want to keep your job. … To obligate is meaner, it means “to force.”

What is a antonym for Stickler?

Opposite of diligent in performing a process or procedure. careless. negligent. slapdash. haphazard.

Is Stickler Syndrome a disability? If you or your dependent(s) are diagnosed with Stickler Syndrome and experience any of these symptoms, you may be eligible for disability benefits from the U.S. Social Security Administration.

What do you call someone who always follows the rules?

Someone who always follows a defined procedure, such as a set of rules is a Stickler. A “stickler for the rules” will always insist that the rules are followed.

Is insistent positive or negative? More Examples

Negative Neutral Positive
Fearful Hesitant Cautious
Old Senior Experienced
Pushy Insistent Assertive
Lazy Laidback Relaxed

What is the meaning of resignedly?

adverb. in a way that expresses giving in to the insistence of another or to circumstances beyond one’s control:I nodded my head gloomily and resignedly; something like this was bound to happen eventually.

What is tactful person? : having or showing the ability to do or say things without offending other people. Other Words from tactful. tactfully -fə-lē adverb.

What does it mean to obligate someone?

: to make (someone) do something by law or because it is right The contract obligates you to pay monthly. obligate. adjective.

What is intervene? 1 : to come or occur between events, places, or points of time One week intervened between games. 2 : to interfere with something so as to stop, settle, or change I intervened in their quarrel. intervene. intransitive verb.

What is it called when someone forces you to do something against your will?

The broad definition of coercion is “the use of express or implied threats of violence or reprisal (as discharge from employment) or other intimidating behavior that puts a person in immediate fear of the consequences in order to compel that person to act against his or her will.” Actual violence, threats of violence, …

What does it mean when a person is pedantic?

Pedantic is an insulting word used to describe someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.

What is the synonym of reprieve? noun. 1’he was saved by a last-minute reprieve’ stay of execution, cancellation of punishment, postponement of punishment, remission, suspension of punishment, respite. pardon, amnesty, acquittal.

What is the meaning of Stickle? Definition of stickle

intransitive verb. 1 : to contend especially stubbornly and usually on insufficient grounds. 2 : to feel scruples : scruple.

Who is most likely to get Stickler?

Doctors diagnose Stickler syndrome in roughly 1 out of 7,500-9,000 newborns. It affects males and females equally.

Does Stickler syndrome affect the brain? Intelligence is unaffected in children with Stickler syndrome, but some children may develop learning disabilities because of hearing and vision abnormalities.

Does Stickler syndrome get worse with age?

It’s the most common cause of retinal detachment (which can cause blindness if left untreated) in children. Stickler syndrome is a progressive disorder, so the symptoms are likely to become more severe as your child ages.

What is an obedient person? : willing to do what someone tells you to do or to follow a law, rule, etc. : willing to obey. See the full definition for obedient in the English Language Learners Dictionary. obedient. adjective.

What is insistent antonym?

Antonyms: imploring, sporadic, beseeching, pleading. Synonyms: crying, repetitious, repetitive, exigent, clamant, instant.

What’s the opposite of insistent? What is the opposite of insistent?

disinterested half-hearted
indifferent insignificant
lenient occasional
relenting tolerant
trivial unimportant

What word is a synonym for insistent?

persistent, determined, adamant, importunate, tenacious, unyielding, obstinate, dogged, unrelenting, unfaltering, unwavering, inexorable. demanding, urgent, pressing. emphatic, determined, firm, assertive, decided, resolute, resolved. informal pushy. rare pushful, exigent.

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