What is a another word for percentage?


In this page you can discover 43 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for percentage, like: proportion, per-cent, portion, ratio, rate, rate per cent, commission, percent, per centum, pay off and average.

Simply so What are 2 synonyms for synonym? synonyms for synonym

  • equivalent.
  • metonym.

What are antonyms for proportion? What is the opposite of proportion?

asymmetry discordance
disproportion disunity
imbalance incoherence
violence difference
disagreement discord

also What is the synonym of average? Some common synonyms of average are mean, median, and norm. While all these words mean “something that represents a middle point,” average is the quotient obtained by dividing the sum total of a set of figures by the number of figures.

What is the synonym of amount?

In this page you can discover 80 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for amount, like: volume, magnitude, sum of money, capacity, product, sum, summation, mass, yield, cost and outlay.

What’s another word for better than average? What is another word for better than average?

super excellent
magnificent outstanding
superb superior
amazing dazzling
extraordinary glorious

What is the synonym of daily?

synonyms for daily

constantly. day-to-day. everyday. often. periodic.

What’s another way to say above average? What is another word for above average?

great excellent
exceptional fantastic
outstanding marvellous UK
marvelous US fine
good splendid

What can I say instead of so much?

synonyms for so much

  • decidedly.
  • deeply.
  • eminently.
  • exceedingly.
  • exceptionally.
  • extraordinarily.
  • extremely.
  • greatly.

What is a synonym for large amount? Some common synonyms of huge are colossal, enormous, gigantic, immense, mammoth, and vast. While all these words mean “exceedingly large,” huge commonly suggests an immensity of bulk or amount.

Is good better than above average?

As a result, when the target’s performance is good it is rated above average, and when it is bad it is rated below average. This the- ory holds that stronger BTA effects (on easy tasks) and WTA effects (on hard tasks) on direct than on indirect judgments has deep psychological origins.

What does it mean to be above average? adjective. (also above average) us. higher or better than the usual amount or level: above-average pay/rate/income We believe in above-average pay to attract above-average people.

What is the synonym of weekly?

In this page you can discover 20 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for weekly, like: occurring every week, hebdomadal, hebdomadally, once every seven days; every Monday, regularly every Tuesday, etc.; once a week, hebdomadary, every week, each week, monthly and fortnightly.

What are synonyms for nutrients?

synonyms for nutrient

  • fiber.
  • food.
  • mineral.
  • vitamin.
  • nutriment.
  • supplements.
  • health food.

What is a synonym for basis? foundation, support, base, footing. reasoning, rationale, defence. reason, grounds, justification, rationalization, motive, motivation, cause. 2’the White Paper formed the basis of the Consumer Credit Act’ starting point, base, point of departure, beginning, premise.

What does well above average mean? Better than most people or things in a certain area. Because Jerry’s SAT scores were well above average, he was able to attend the college of his choice. Our sales were above average for this market.

How do you use therefore?

Therefore’ is a conjunctive adverb that means for that reason or cause, thus, or consequently For example, ‘The water in the pot is boiling, so therefore the water must be very hot.

What is great in size or amount? (Entry 1 of 2) : very great in size, amount, degree, intensity, or especially in extent or range vast knowledge a vast expanse. vast. noun.

How would you describe a lot of data?

You could also use “abundant amount“, “bucketload” or “ocean”: The data contains abundant amount of information.

What is the synonym of copious? Some common synonyms of copious are abundant, ample, and plentiful. While all these words mean “more than sufficient without being excessive,” copious stresses largeness of supply rather than fullness or richness.

Is decent above-average?

Usually it is a slight bit more than normal of average, but less a good deal less than superlative. If someone says that was “really decent” it ups the evaluation.

What’s better fair or average? If something is ‘fair to average’ it is slightly less than average.

What’s below average?

By. adj. a range of classification which falls below normal or not up to par, yet it is the much-preferred term over low normal and dull normal.

What is above average in grades? Grading System

% Grade Grade Grade Meaning
80-84 B Good
75-79 C+ Above Average
70-74 C Average
65-69 D+ Below Average

Is above average good?

A – is the highest grade you can receive on an assignment, and it’s between 90% and 100% B – is still a pretty good grade! This is an above-average score, between 80% and 89% … F – this is a failing grade.

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