What are refractory symptoms?


A refractory symptom is one that cannot be adequately controlled despite aggressive efforts to identify a tolerable therapy that does not compromise consciousness (Cherny 1994). A refractory symptom may be subjective and, at times, nonspecific.

Simply so What does refractory to chemotherapy mean? The word “refractory” in general use means stubborn or intractable, and in medicine it is specifically applied to disease that does not respond to treatment. Refractory cancer refers to cancer that may be resistant at the beginning of treatment, or becomes resistant during treatment.

What is refractory delirium? Refractory symptom or refractory delirium: a symptom is defined as refractory if it continues to cause distress despite the use all other possible and tolerable symptomatic treatments that do not compromise consciousness.

also What does midazolam do at end of life? Parenteral benzodiazepines, such as midazolam, can be used to relieve muscle spasm and spasticity in the last days of life (Table 3).

What are refractory symptoms in heart failure?

Refractory CHF is defined as symptoms of CHF at rest or repeated exacerbations of CHF despite “optimal” triple-drug therapy. Most patients with refractory CHF require hemodynamic monitoring and treatment in the intensive care unit.

What is treatment refractory disease? Patients with “treatment resistant” or “treatment refractory” disorders are those who do not respond to the usual first- and even second- and third-line treatments. Many people whose lives have been adversely affected by psychiatric illness struggle with a range of difficulties that may include.

What is primary refractory disease?

Primary refractory Hodgkin’s disease may generally be defined as progression of disease during induction treatment or a partial or transient response (< 60 days) to induction therapy. Salvage chemotherapy is inadequate in this patient population; fewer than 10% of patients survive for 10 years or longer.

What is refractory non Hodgkins? Refractory non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is NHL that has not responded to initial treatment. Refractory disease may be disease that is getting worse or staying the same. Relapsed non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is NHL that responded to treatment but then returns.

What is palliative care sedation?

Palliative sedation is a measure of last resort used at the end of life to relieve severe and refractory symptoms. It is performed by the administration of sedative medications in monitored settings and is aimed at inducing a state of decreased awareness or absent awareness (unconsciousness).

Why is Ativan given at end of life? It is indeed extremely common for hospice to use morphine and lorazepam (brand name Ativan) to treat end-of-life symptoms. That’s because many people on hospice are suffering from troubling symptoms that these medications can relieve, such as pain, shortness of breath, anxiety, and agitation.

What injections are given at end of life?

Common anticipatory medicines include the following:

  • Medicine for pain – an appropriate opioid, for example, morphine, diamorphine, oxycodone or alfentanil.
  • Medicine for breathlessness – midazolam or an opioid.
  • Medicine for anxiety – midazolam.

What are end of life drugs? The most commonly prescribed drugs include acetaminophen, haloperidol, lorazepam, morphine, and prochlorperazine, and atropine typically found in an emergency kit when a patient is admitted into a hospice facility.

What is end stage heart failure?

End stage heart failure is the most severe form of heart failure. A person with heart failure experiences weakening of the heart over time. Management and treatment options can help a person live with the symptoms that this condition causes, but heart failure is chronic, and there is no cure.

What class is end stage heart failure?

Patients with end stage heart failure fall into stage D of the ABCD classification of the American College of Cardiology (ACC)/American Heart Association (AHA), and class III–IV of the New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification; they are characterised by advanced structural heart disease and pronounced …

What does refractory pain mean? Intractable pain or refractory pain occurs when pain cannot be adequately controlled despite aggressive measures.

Can your body stop responding to medication? The takeaway

Tolerance can happen if you’ve been using a medication or other drug for a while. If you think your body has developed drug tolerance, talk to your doctor. Don’t suddenly stop taking the drug. There are steps your doctor can take to manage drug tolerance and help you feel better.

How long do the effects of ECT last?

There is considerable variability in the trajectories, but most commonly there is progressive symptomatic improvement within the first week and complete remission within 3 to 4 weeks.

How do you treat primary refractory Hodgkin’s lymphoma? Standard treatment for patients with relapsed or primary refractory (rel/ref) HL is salvage chemotherapy followed by high-dose chemotherapy (HDT) and autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) in chemotherapy-sensitive patients.

What is primary refractory lymphoma?

Primary refractory Hodgkin’s disease may generally be defined as progression of disease during induction treatment or a partial or transient response (< 60 days) to induction therapy. Salvage chemotherapy is inadequate in this patient population; fewer than 10% of patients survive for 10 years or longer.

How I treat relapsed and refractory Hodgkin lymphoma? Relapsed or refractory Hodgkin lymphoma is a challenging problem for clinicians who treat hematologic malignancies. The standard management of these patients should include the use of salvage chemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT) in patients who are chemotherapy sensitive.

Is dying from lymphoma painful?

Will I be in pain when I die? Your medical team will do all they can to lessen any pain you feel in your final days. No one can say for certain how you’ll feel but death from lymphoma is usually comfortable and painless. If you do have pain, however, medication is available to relieve this.

Which has better survival rate Hodgkin’s or non-Hodgkin lymphoma? More than 86 percent of patients diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma survive five years or more. About 70 percent of patients diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma survive five years or more.

How long can you live with MALT lymphoma?

Outlook (prognosis) for MALT? “The outlook for people with gastric [and other ] MALT lymphoma is usually good with about 80% of people surviving beyond the 5 year milestone and 77% going on to have disease free survival at 10 years. ”

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