What word means to appear to be?


come across as being. give the impression being. look as though one is. give the idea. convey the impression.

Simply so What is the meaning of appeared to be doing something? appear verb (PERFORM)

to perform publicly in a play, film, or show: … She appears briefly in the new Bond film.

What does the phrase it appears mean? used for saying what seems to be true.

also How do you use it appears in a sentence? 1 It appears that all the files have been deleted. 2 It appears that some missiles have been moved. 3 It appears that the two leaders are holding secret talks. 4 It appears that what I said was untrue, but I did not knowingly lie to you.

What is another way to say can be?

What is another word for can be?

perchance perhaps
it could be that it is possible that
might be for all one knows
it may be possible feasibly
credibly potentially

Which words help explain what appear means? arrive, come, come out, crop up, develop, emerge, materialize, occur, pop up, present, show, show up, surface, turn out, turn up, enter, perform, play, arise, attend.

Can be Vs could be?

The modal verbs can and could represent the ability of a person or thing in doing something. However, there is a difference in their usage, as ‘can’ is used in present situation, whereas we can use ‘could’ for talking about a past ability. Both are followed by a base form of the verb.

How do you say I’m sure professionally? I’m sure: the most usual way of saying that you are sure about something: I’m sure she won’t forget – she’s very reliable. I’m positive/I’m certain/I know for a fact (that): a stronger, more emphatic way of expressing certainty: I’m positive I had the keys with me when I left.

How do you say maybe professionally?

Polite Ways to Say Maybe in English

  1. Perhaps I can make it. Let me check my calendar.
  2. Perhaps it will work. Let me think it over.
  3. I’m not sure whether I can but I’ll check my calendar and let you know.

What is a synonym for visible? conspicuous. adjectiveobvious, easily seen. apparent. clear. discernible.

What type of word appears?

Appears is a verb – Word Type.

What is the adverb form of appear? apparently. (archaic) Plainly; clearly; manifestly; evidently. Seemingly; in appearance only.

Can be or may be?

Can be’ is mainly used to express possibility of something or we can say ability of a person to do something. While ‘may be’ is mainly used in two different ways according to the sentence. It is used to denote strong possibility of something. While, ‘May’ particularly is used to seek permission for something.

Is it a verb to be able to?

Although we look at be able to here, it is not a modal verb. It is simply the verb be plus an adjective (able) followed by the infinitive. We look at be able to here because we sometimes use it instead of can and could.

Can be able to examples? Listed below are examples and explanations for can/could/be able to for ability and permission in the past, present. and future.

Be Able to for Possibilities.

Examples Usage
He could swim when he was five. Could in the past means the general ability to do something.

• Jul 16, 2018

How do you say Besides sure? Synonyms & Antonyms of sure

  1. Synonyms for sure. assured, certain, clear, cocksure, confident, …
  2. Words Related to sure. self-assured, self-conceited, self-confident. decisive, resolute, …
  3. Near Antonyms for sure. hesitant, indecisive, vacillating, wavering. diffident, …
  4. Antonyms for sure. doubtful, dubious, uncertain, unsure.

What can I say instead of yes?

synonyms for yes

  • affirmative.
  • amen.
  • fine.
  • good.
  • okay.
  • true.
  • yea.
  • all right.

What’s another word for being unsure? In this page you can discover 64 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unsure, like: doubtful, uncertain, hesitant, problematic, dubitable, indefinite, borderline, indecisive, inconclusive, tottery and clear.

How do you say yes in a unique way?

These different ways to say yes in English are downright silly:

  1. Okey dokey.
  2. Okaley dokaley.
  3. Yuppers.
  4. Totes (slang for “totally”)
  5. You betcha (slang for “you bet”)
  6. Alrighty.
  7. Alrighty then.
  8. Aye aye, captain!

How do you say please in a cute way? I would describe “pretty please” as a fawning, ostensibly endearing way of saying “please”. One imagines a cute little child trying to get what he wants through cute, innocent manipulation. A grown woman might use it half-jokingly, as it has the cliché air of the use of feminine wiles.

How do you say yes in a cute way?

Creative Ways to Say “Yes”

  1. Okey-dokey!
  2. I’m at your behest.
  3. Aye aye, captain!
  4. I was born for this!
  5. That would be a Y-E-S!
  6. You just stole the words out of my mouth.
  7. Right on, brother/sister.
  8. Definitely not NO.

What does it mean to become visible? To appear gradually or partially into view. To gradually appear or develop.

What does highly visible mean?

b(1) : conspicuous has played a highly visible role in the negotiations. (2) : well-known a highly visible politician. 3 : capable of being discovered or perceived : recognizable no visible means of support.

Can be easily seen synonym? 1 manifest, noticeable, clear, marked, salient. 2 prominent, striking, noteworthy.

Is it appear or appearing?

As verbs the difference between appear and appearing

is that appear is (label) to come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible while appearing is .

How do you say something appears?


  1. appeared.
  2. begun.
  3. come to light.
  4. commenced.
  5. crop up.
  6. derived.
  7. emanated.
  8. emerged.

What is the noun for appear? The noun form of the verb appear is: appearance.

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