Why do the British pronounce aluminum as aluminium?


According to the Online Etymology Dictionary English chemist Sir Humphry Davy named the element alumium in 1808 and then changed it to aluminum in 1812. British editors changed it to aluminium to be more in keeping with other elements such as potassium and sodium, while the Americans retained the spelling as aluminum.

What does aluminium mean in British? British English: aluminium /u02ccælju028au02c8mu026anu026au0259m/ NOUN. Aluminium is a lightweight metal used for making things such as cooking equipment and aircraft parts. … aluminium cans.

Likewise Why do British people add an I to aluminum?

British and Australian people do pronounce u201caluminumu201d the American way. But we pronounce the name of the common metal u201caluminiumu201d because that’s how it is spelled. Note the extra u201ciu201d. Everyone outside of North America spells and pronounces it this way.

Why is aluminum called aluminium? It was back in 1807 when the English chemist identified the 13th element on the periodic table which he first named aluminum as a nod to alumina which refers to the oxidation of aluminum and has been used since 1790 or so (even before the element was discovered and named).

How do British say water?

Why do British say H wrong? In Britain, H owes its name to the Normans, who brought their letter “hache” with them in 1066. … Hache is the source of our word “hatchet”: probably because a lower-case H looks a lot like an axe. It has certainly caused a lot of trouble over the years.

How do the British say coffee?

How do the British say watermelon?

How do the British say tea?

Why do British people say Zed? It’s thought that zee was last used in England during the late 17th century; however, usage is difficult to trace, because pronunciations for letters were not often written down. Regardless, zee made its way to the British colonies in North America.

Why do people say Haitch not Aitch?

That is to say, h is for ‘hat’ rather than ‘hour’. ‘Haitch is for “hat”,’ the child says. … Parents know that if their children pick their noses, neglect their teeth, say haitch instead of aitch, they will never make it in the world. It’s as simple as that.

What Spanish letter has no sound? 1. The letter H is always silent – the word is pronounced as if the h weren’t there at all. (However, note that, as in English, CH is a different sound than C).

How do you say milk in British?

How do the British pronounce chocolate?

How do you say dog in America?

How do you say strawberry in British?

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What do British call tea with milk?

Originally Answered: What is a tea with milk called? White tea (though it’s actually brown if course!) The milk should be in the cup before the tea is poured – that heats the milk a little slower than dumping it into a cup of hot black tea, so the flavour is considered a little smoother.

What do British people call cups? “Cuppa” is a more informal version of “cup of,” and is often even used to mean “cup of tea” on its own – “Fancy a cuppa?”

What do British people call crack?

The word has an unusual history; the Scots and English crack was borrowed into Irish as craic in the mid-20th century and the Irish spelling was then reborrowed into English.

Why do British say pants? The word ‘pants’ comes to us from an Anglicization of the character’s name, “Pantaloon.” … When trousers of a similar style became popular during the Restoration in England, they became known as pantaloons, Pantaloon being an Anglicization of Pantalone.

What does bloody mean in British language?

In British slang, bloody means something like “very.” That’s bloody brilliant! Things that are literally bloody have blood on them or are made of blood. … To bloody something is to cover it in blood: “I will bloody your nose if you say that again!” It comes from the Old English blodig, from blod, or “blood.”

How do Catholics and Protestants pronounce H? In Northern Ireland the Catholic population is distinguished from the Protestant by the former saying ‘haitch’ and the latter ‘aitch’. ‘Haitch’ is the way Catholic primary schools teach H in the alphabet and therefore may well have Papal authority as correct!

Is the H silent in human?

H is silent in many English words, for various reasons. … Over the centuries we have come to pronounce the h in words like horrible, hospital, host, human, and humour.

Why is there an H in Thomas?

Thomas is a name that comes from Aramaic te’oma, meaning “twin”. It’s the same word in Hebrew, תאומא (Tvm). You see no th there. However, the way it is written in French (and therefore, in English, since English beats down other languages down alleys to steal their words) comes from Greek.

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