Are you going to the movies tonight translate to Spanish?


Are we going to the movies? ¿Vamos a ir al cine? Are we going to the movies tonight? ¿Esta tarde me llevas al cine?

How do you pronounce película? película

  1. peh. – lee. – koo. – lah.
  2. pe. – li. – ku. – la.
  3. pe. – lí – cu. – la.

Likewise How do you say I go to the movies very often in Spanish?

Yo voy a menudo al cine.

How do you say I’m going to the movies in Spanish? See Google Translate’s machine translation of ‘go to the movies’.

go to the movies.

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
go to the movies v expr mainly US, informal (go to the cinema) ir al cine loc verb
Tony wants to go to the movies this evening.

How do you say I never go to the movies in Spanish?

No voy nunca al cine.

Does Veintiseis have an accent? Notice: An accent mark must be added whenever a one-syllable number is added to the roots dieci– or veinti-. The four numbers on this list that have accent marks are: dieciséis, veintidós, veintitrés, and veintiséis. Notice: Numbers 0-30 are all only one word long.

How do you say they go to work at 8 30 in Spanish?

In Spanish, it’s “ir al trabajo“.

What do you like to do to Spanish?

How do you say we go to the cinema in Spanish?

El viernes vamos a ir al cine.

How do you say to watch a movie in Spanish? We can say: voy a ver una película.

Does dieciseis have an accent?

As monosyllabic words, dos, tres, and seis need no accent by themselves. When you add syllables like dieciséis the accent becomes mandatory because of how Spanish spelling and accents normally work. … The accent for dieciséis is there so you know it’s 6 and not some verb form.

How do u say 15 in Spanish? Write the names of the numbers in Spanish.

Number English (pronunciation) Spanish (pronunciation)
15 fifteen (FIF-teen) quince (KEEN-say)
16 sixteen (SIKS-teen) dieciséis (dee-AY-see-saze)
17 seventeen (SEV-en-teen) diecisiete (dee-AY-see-see-AY-tay )
18 eighteen (ATE-teen) dieciocho (dee-AY-see-och-o)

Does Mi have an accent?

“Mi” (no accent) translates to “my”, as in “my friend/mi amigo”. “Mí (with accent) translates to “me” as in “for me/para mí”. Hope that makes sense.

How do you say it is 12 45 in Spanish? “Quarter to” in Spanish

It’s 12:45 (quarter to one). Es la una menos cuarto.

How do you say it is 1/10 in Spanish?

In this lesson, we learned the vocabulary and pronunciation for the numbers 1-10 in Spanish: uno (ooh-no), dos (dohs), tres (trays), cuatro (kwah-troh), cinco (seen-koh), seis (says), siete (syay-tay), ocho (oh-choh), nueve (nway-vay), diez (dyays).

How do you say the date in Spanish with the day of the week? Formal Version

The basic format is el [day of the week] [day] de [month] de [year]. So then Sunday, September 7, 2014, would be el domingo 7 de septiembre de 2014 in Spanish.

How do you spell I in Spanish?

Alfabeto: Alphabet:

A: a, B: be, C: ce, CH: che, D: de, E: e, F: efe, G: ge, H: hache, I: i, J: jota, K: ka, L: ele, LL: elle, M: eme, N: ene, Ñ: eñe, O: o, P: pe, Q: cu, R: erre, S: ese, T: te, U: u, V: uve, W: uve doble, X: equis, Y: i griega, Z: zeta.

What do they call football in Spain? Association football – commonly known as football (or soccer in the United States and Canada), (Spanish: Fútbol asociación) – is the most popular sport in Spain, followed by basketball and tennis.

How do you ask someone their favorite color in Spanish?

To ask someone about their favorite color in Spanish, we will use the questions ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? and ¿Cuál es el color que te gusta más?. The answer will often use the phrase: “Mi color favorito es + color”.

How do you write your name in Spanish?

How do you say we are going to the movie theater in French?

We’re going to the movies. On va au cinéma.

What are you doing in Spanish slang? One is “¿Qué estás haciendo?” (it literally means “What are you doing?” in Spanish). The other one is “¿Qué hacés?”.

What does movie theater mean in Spanish?

movie theater {noun}

sala de cine {f} [form.]

How do you say do you want to watch a movie in Spanish? Do you want to watch movie | Spanish Translator. ¿Quieres ver una película?

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